
Registration is how students sign up for courses. At Grand Valley, students can register for the full academic year. Current students are assigned an advanced registration date in the spring. Our new students register for courses when they join us on campus for their orientation. A courses index is now available to help you plan your semesters.

Course Registration

This guide will help students navigate the myBanner Registration system and waitlist process

Course Index

The course index is now available to help you plan your semesters. This allows you to see Section Notes and Refund/Withdrawal Deadlines.

Additional Registration Information

Learn how to add or drop a course, request an override, or resolve a hold on your account.

Course Drop/Add & Refund Schedule

Details about late adds or drops to a student's schedule and any corresponding refunds.

Prerequisites & Overrides

This information will help you understand course prerequisites and how to request an override.

Page last modified May 20, 2022